Impulse EDW
- 2.1 Create a Warehouse
- 2.2 Edit Warehouse
- 2.3 Datasources In Warehouse
- 2.4 Ingesting Data Into Tables or Datasources
- 2.4.1 Ingesting From Momentum Data Pipeline
- 2.4.2 Uploading File Using Impulse UI
- 2.4.3 Ingesting From External File/Storage System
- 2.5 Add Data to Existing Tables
- 2.5.1 Update Existing Index
- 2.6 Delete Table Records (Rows)
- 2.7 Delete Tables or Datasources
- 2.8 Monitoring Indexing Tasks
- 2.9 View Datasource Stats
Inset BI
- Alerts and Reports
- Connecting to a new database
- Registering a new table
- Creating charts in Explore view
- Manage access to Dashboards
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
< All Topics
Generating Security Token
The security token is needed for Momentum integration with MLOPs or to use its Restful APIs. You can either see and copy the existing token or reset it (if the token is compromised). Here are the steps:
4.2.1 Viewing Security Token
- Login to MLOps web interface using your secured credentials.
- On the left hand-side menu panel, click “APIs” menu option.
- In the next page type your account password
- Click the button “Reveal Key” (do not press enter key. Else it will show an error page)
- By default, the API key is hidden. If the password is correct, clicking the Reveal Key button displays the API key that you can copy and paste wherever needed.
4.2.1 Resetting Security Token
- Login to MLOps web interface using your secured credentials.
- On the left hand-side menu panel, click “APIs” menu option.
- In the next page type your account password.
- Click the button “Reset Key” (do not press enter key. Else it will show an error page)
- By default, the API key is hidden. If the password is correct, clicking the Reset Key button displays the API key that you can copy and paste wherever needed.
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